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Purchase Coverage

Add Additional Coverage

To add options to an existing home warranty (Home Service Agreement), which is only available within the first 30 days from the Effective Date, call 720.531.6729 during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Renew Warranty

Renewing online is easy! Just log into your Homeowner Portal account and click on renew, or call 800.743.4210.

You may renew early, or prior to your renewal date, and you won’t lose coverage. Your new renewal date starts when your current coverage ends and is effective that same day.

Cover Multiple Properties

You can purchase coverage for additional properties using your account in Homeowner Portal.

Paying for a Warranty

How you pay depends on how you obtained your home warranty (Home Service Plan). Generally, homeowners can get a Home Service Plan in one of four ways.

  1. The homeowner buys one for themselves.
  2.  A real estate agent buys it for the buyer at closing.
  3.  The home seller buys it for the buyer as an incentive.
  4.  A friend or family member buys it for the homeowner.

If you purchase it yourself, you may be eligible for either annual payment or monthly payment.

Learn more

Coverage Terms/Lengths

A home warranty (Home Service Plan) includes a one-year coverage term. However, you can renew/change your coverage yearly.

If you own a newly built home that includes a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty, you may be able to access a three-year coverage term. Call 855.210.4295 for details.

How Much Does It Cost?

A home warranty (Home Service Plan) may be more affordable than you think! Get a quote today to see what coverage is right for you or call 855.210.4295.

How to Purchase

If you are a homeowner, you can purchase a 2-10 HBW home warranty (Home Service Plan) at any time.

Learn how to get started now!