FINALLY, A WAY TOCreate Better Customer Experiences AND Fulfill Your Risk Management Strategies
Get your full copy of the new 2-10 HBW COVE-approved warranty book.

The new COVE-approved warranty book
from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
You know how to build quality homes from the ground up. You have a proven brand in the marketplace. But do you have a warranty document and service that match your level of professionalism? Both reflect how the marketplace views you, so you need to know that they’re representing you properly.
TAKE A LOOKWhy choose the 2-10 HBW COVE-approved warranty book over the competition
While there are many reasons to choose the 2-10 HBW COVE-approved warranty book over the competition, three reasons stand out above the rest.
Fulfills risk-management requirements
and allows construction/warranty teams to deliver a better experience for your customers and company — the only COVE-approved book on the market with so much versatility for your large and growing company
Includes clear, easy-to-interpret guidelines
that satisfy your construction/warranty teams while building trust with buyers
Provides peace of mind to your buyers,
helping you set and meet expectations clearly and effectively
When you have a tool that works cross-functionally, it elevates your brand and makes selling more homes a cinch. See how the 2-10 HBW COVE-approved warranty book benefits you!
SEE THE DIFFERENCEThe benefits of partnering with 2-10 HBW
Finally, a COVE-approved book that satisfies the needs of both the risk-management team and construction/warranty teams!
Our COVE-approved warranty book fulfills risk-management requirements and allows construction/warranty teams to provide a better overall company experience from the top down. When you have a tool that complies with COVE guidelines and makes the experience of working with your company better, it makes for a stronger, more trustworthy organization.
We’ve created this book for the many COVE builders who are continually frustrated by vague coverage terms and a lack of clearly defined standards, which too often lead to unnecessary disputes and higher warranty costs.
Our COVE-approved book brings you clarity because it’s the first to include fully defined standards for workmanship, distribution systems, and structural-defect warranties, complementing the construction defect warranty COVE provides.
Our approach improves customer experience and reduces your warranty costs by setting clear expectations and arming your team with the easiest-to-use document in the industry.
Specifically tailored performance standards for the needs of large builders.
We designed our COVE-approved warranty book in conjunction with several large, well-known, multi-state builders. With large builders in mind, 2-10 HBW can provide clear guidance and economies of scale with real service. We customize our programs to match your unique needs.
Smoother relationships and more trust.
We’ve written our COVE-approved warranty book so that your construction team, warranty team, and homeowners can understand it. When your construction and warranty teams know precisely what the performance standards are, it makes building trust and comfort with buyers much easier. This will add to your brand in the marketplace.
Unmatched dispute avoidance and mitigation services.
With over 40 years of experience, 2-10 HBW provides unmatched dispute avoidance and mitigation services. Our Dispute Avoidance and Mitigation program gives you access to our deep understanding of claims adjudication so you can avoid disputes before they start and mitigate disputes that do arise.
We start by helping set expectations for homeowners to avoid disputes foremost. When a dispute does arise, our Dispute Avoidance and Mitigation team conciliates cordially before lawyers get involved and litigation occurs. That protects and bolsters your reputation.
Our success rate of helping homeowners and builders find a resolution before arbitration stands at over 99%*, giving you more time and resources to do what you do best—build quality homes.
Industry-leading third-party validation of your product.
It’s one thing for you to tell buyers how great you are. It’s another to show your buyers how great you are with an excellent and consistent warranty experience.
It’s one thing for you to tell buyers how great you are. It’s another to show your buyers how great you are with an excellent and consistent warranty experience.
*Excluding NJ
More builders choose 2-10 HBW for warranty services
As the largest and most experienced structural warranty provider, we’ve seen more and covered more than anyone else. Our size and expertise means more resources to better serve you and your homeowners.