Managing a Housing Downturn with a Structural Warranty

housing downturn structural warranty

Many builders are bracing themselves for a housing downturn. If you’re looking for a way to manage the housing downturn, a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10 HBW) Structural Warranty can help you in three specific ways.

1. A 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty can help protect your margins

housing downturn margins

Protecting your margins and managing risks are crucial to continued success during a housing downturn. The average cost of a structural defect ranges between $75,000 and $125,000 per claim. Without a solution, these unexpected and expensive issues can eat into your margins and do devastating financial harm to your business.

Whether you’re a volume builder or custom builder, a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty can mitigate this risk. With a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty, you can transfer the financial risks that structural defects can create off your books.

Additionally, a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty provides you with access to local experts and timely solutions to structural defects. Instead of bearing the burden of finding, coordinating, and executing on a fix for defects, 2-10 HBW’s local experts handle everything, giving you more time to do what you do best—build quality homes.

2. 2-10 HBW provides proven marketing materials and sales support

housing downturn added value

A big part of thriving through a downturn is showing value despite market conditions. By providing a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty, you’re already ahead of the game because you’re providing the industry’s leading coverage for expensive structural defects.

Even better, you get marketing materials and sales support when you offer a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty.

As a 2-10 HBW Builder Member, you get access to the following:

  • Sales training and materials to help your sales team show the value of a structural warranty from the buyer’s perspective, which shows the added value they’re getting when they work with you.
  • Third-party validation from an industry leader, which further proves your commitment to quality. Not all builders are allowed to join as a 2-10 HBW Builder Member because not all builders meet the standard for joining. When an industry leader can vouch for you, it can enhance your reputation.
  • Front Line Warranty Service, which helps reduce homeowner callbacks via 2-10 HBW’s expert support staff.
  • Expertly written blog posts that you can share with your homeowners to help them maintain their home and get the most out of home ownership.

3. You get timely, effective support from 2-10 HBW

housing downturn support

A key challenge during a housing downturn is where to focus your energy. However, in pursuit of finding new business, it’s crucial that you don’t let your past clients languish on the backburner, especially when they need your help.

With 2-10 HBW, you can access an expert Claims Administration team that helps you streamline how you address structural claims. Our experts can filter and process the reported defect, arrange and pay for the inspection, oversee dispute resolution, coordinate engineering and design services as needed, and source the repair.

This helps reduce the time you may need to spend addressing past problems, which could give you more time to pursue future success.

Conclusion: Get the trusted 2-10 HBW solution

5 Reasons to Switch to 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty

A 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty can help you address issues related to the housing downturn. Whether you need coverage for single-family homes, multifamily homes, luxury homes, volume homes, manufactured/modular homes, light-commercial buildings, or Build to Rent homes, 2-10 HBW has an industry-leading solution to help you succeed despite a housing downturn.

Learn how you can protect your business and add valuable selling points to your new builds with a 2-10 HBW Structural Warranty.

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