Kitchen & Bathroom Essentials, According to Homeowners

Kitchen & Bathroom Essentials, According to Homeowners

Kitchen & bathroom essentials, according to homeowners

Homeowners expect newly constructed homes to have outstanding bathrooms and kitchens, with all the essentials they expect. But how do they define essentials, and what do they expect? Let’s look at what homeowners said were essential in their kitchen and bathroom, according to an NAHB survey.

Kitchen essentials for homeowners

Over 80% of surveyed homeowners defined two elements as essential to their kitchens.

  • Double sinks
  • Pantries

In fact, more than 4 of every 10 potential buyers said they’d be unlikely to buy a home without a double sink. So, unless you have a specific request for a single sink, your best bet is to double up!

And high demand for pantry space makes sense. Even as the pandemic (kinda, sorta) recedes, people are spending more time at home. That means storage space is at a premium. Check out our article for tips on helping your homeowners make more storage space.

In addition to these two essentials, over 70% of surveyed buyers expected four additional features.

  • Table space for eating
  • A central island
  • Water filtration systems for drinking water
  • Granite or stone countertops

The renewed focus on both space and health likely add to these classic demands.

Bathroom essentials for homeowners

Like the kitchen, space and storage were in high demand. Over 65% of surveyed buyers expected four elements in their bathrooms:

  • Linen closet in primary bathroom
  • Shower stall and tub in primary bathroom
  • Double vanity
  • Private toilet compartment

Of these four wants, surveyed buyers considered shower stall and tub in primary bathroom as most essential.

Interestingly, private toilet compartments continue to grow in popularity. While they’re much more common in Europe, American homeowners have shown growing interest in private toilet compartments.

However, this is an amenity most often found in larger and more customized homes. Given the affordability crisis plaguing buyers, a private toilet compartment could be more of a “nice to have” for buyers.

One more big desire: A structural warranty from 2-10 HBW

Providing kitchen essentials and bathroom essentials is clearly important. And there’s another element that surveyed buyers want: a structural warranty from a trustworthy administrator.

According to a co-sponsored survey by 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10 HBW) and the NAHB, 94% of prospective home buyers are more likely to purchase a new home from a builder that offers a structural warranty.

Additionally, 4 out of 5 home buyers value a third-party, insurance-backed structural warranty.

So, as you provide the essentials your prospects and homeowners demand, remember to include a structural warranty from 2-10 HBW, the industry-leading provider of structural warranties.

Learn how you can protect your business and add valuable selling points to your new builds with a 2-10 HBW structural warranty.

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