Go Green with Sustainable Building Materials

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The Top Materials for Building Eco-Friendly Homes

Now more than ever, consumers care about the idea of going green and living sustainably. It’s clear that these sentiments aren’t a passing fad and that buyers want their homes to be as eco-friendly as the other products in their lives. Here are some popular building materials that can be sustainably sourced – which ones will you use for your next home build?

Foam Insulation Made from Wood

All homes need to be insulated and now there’s a “green” way to insulate your builds. Most insulating foams are made with petroleum jelly and aren’t eco-friendly, but wood foam insulation is an excellent sustainable alternative. Since climate management accounts for a huge portion of the average utility bill, homeowners will love knowing that their house is insulated with sustainable materials.

There are a variety of wood foams available on the market. Do some research to find the option that best suits your business’s needs.

Cool Roofing

On a sunny day, light clothing keeps you cooler than darker clothing. The same principals apply to roofing materials. The Cool Roof Rating Council defines cool roofs as, “[a roof] that strongly reflects sunlight and also cools itself by efficiently emitting radiation to its surroundings. The roof literally stays cooler and reduces the amount of heat conducted to the building below.”

Cool roofs don’t have to be white, there are a variety of products that use darker pigments that are still highly reflective.

A Carbon Negative Cement Alternative

Ferrock™ is an environmentally-friendly cement alternative with a negative carbon footprint. The manufacturing processes are eco-friendly, especially when compared to traditional techniques. Ferrock™ is made with recycled materials, without heat. The final product actually absorbs greenhouse gasses from the environment and is made without sacrificing quality.

Recycled Steel

Builders are switching up the way they frame homes, opting to use recycled steel in place of traditional wood framing. The benefits are plentiful: the techniques and costs are similar, there’s less strain on resources like timber, the material isn’t prone to warping and wood-eating insects like termites will no longer be an issue. The home will also be better protected against high winds, fires and earthquakes. Further, steel ceiling joists can cover larger distances than their wooden counterparts.

Reusing old steel is a great way to utilize quality, sustainable products in your home builds without an extreme price tag.

Sustainable Flooring Options

When it comes to choosing eco-friendly flooring there are many beautiful options to choose from, including:

  • Bamboo: Bamboo is actually a grass, and it grows far more quickly than the average tree. It has similar properties to hardwood.
  • Glass tiles: You can even purchase tiles made from recycled bottles and other materials.
  • Cork: Cork trees do not need to be cut down in order to harvest the bark, making this a great sustainable flooring choice.
  • Wool carpeting: Forget about synthetic carpeting materials that use non-sustainable materials and resource-intensive manufacturing processes. Wool is a durable, natural alternative that looks great.
  • Reclaimed hardwood: When you’re trying to use sustainable materials hardwood isn’t the best option due to deforestation issues. However, reclaimed hardwood can give your buyers the best of both worlds.

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