Quick Guides

Help Homeowners / Quick Guides / Status of a Claim

Status of a Claim

When a Covered Item breaks down, waiting on hold for a solution is the last thing you want to do. With the 2-10 HBW Homeowner Portal Service Action Center, you have the power to do more when you need to most while reducing hold times.

  • Check statuses
  • Upload documents
  • Escalate claims

And it’s only available through Homeowner Portal!

So sign in or sign up when something breaks down.

Service Request Tools Let You Do More

– service request tools1 – Status of a Claim

Request Status Updates

When you file a claim and a contractor accepts it, you can request its status from the contractor. No more wondering or calling about where it’s at!

Change Service Contractor

Sometimes, you need to request a different Service Contractor, due to scheduling issues, contractor unavailability, or otherwise. The Service Request Tools makes it easier and more efficient to change the Service Contractor when necessary..

Submit Documents

We’ve made it easier for you to submit documents for reimbursement. Whether for pre-approved Out-of-Network Contractor use or our Appliance Replacement Offer, submitting documents is much easier.

Escalate Claims

If your claim hasn’t been addressed within seven days, you can now escalate it directly from Homeowner Portal instead of calling in.

Using Your Own Contractor?

If you elect to use an outside contractor, you will be responsible for the difference in cost between using your contractor and an authorized 2-10 Service Contractor. You will also need to follow the instructions we provide to ensure that the work remains eligible for coverage (e.g., that work is not performed without prior authorization).

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