
Quick Guides

Help Homeowners / Quick Guides / Request Service

Request Service

When covered items break down, 2-10 HBW is there to help. Requesting service through Homeowner Portal is the quickest and most effective way to get your home humming again.

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1. Create a service request

  • Visit 2-10.com/sign-in/ to sign in.
    If you receive an error, call 720.531.6717 for help.
  • In the menu options at the top of your screen, select Service Requests.
  • You can also select the gear icon in the bottom right corner of your property card to request service.
  • Click the New Service Request card.

– hop request service 1 – Request Service

2. Select the appliance or system

  • Select the item you’d like to request service for, then select Next.
  • NOTE: You may only request service for one item at a time. If you have multiple service requests, complete the first one, then repeat this process for the remaining requests.

– hop request service 2 – Request Service

3. Fill out the Failure Description fields

  • You must fill in all boxes on this page.
  • If you aren’t sure about what to put in a required field, insert N/A in the box.

– hop request service 3 – Request Service

4. Review your Service Request

  • Double-check that the information you entered is correct.
  • The Service Fee you’ll pay the contractor when they arrive will appear here.

– hop request service 4 – Request Service

5. Confirmation

  • You’ll receive your work order number, and the contractor’s name and phone number.
  • A contractor will reach out directly to confirm your appointment.

– hop request service 5 – Request Service

6. Check the status of your request

  • After completing your Service Request, you can check the status on your Homeowner Portal home page.
  • Select the gear icon in the bottom right corner of your property card.
  • Choose View Service Requests.